My name is Benyakir Horowitz (click here for my resume and here for my GitHub profile). Once upon a time, I studied linguistics and Italian. Then I began learning programming in 2020 during the pandemic. I am now a fullstack developer with experience in every step of the process, from design to implementation, from rapid iteration to long-term maintenance, from concept to creation. This page only contains my latest projects I want to showcase. The list is short since I haven't had much opportunity to work on them in awhile, which I hope to change. If you're looking for all my personal projects, it has been moved to All Projects.

Chat App


A chat app built with Nuxt/Vue 3 that utilizes WebSockets with e2e encryption. With a focus on UI/UX, it uses a lot of newer CSS features, the WebCrypto API SSR features such as HTTP-only cookies to allow secure storage of authentication data.

First Created: September 20, 2023
Latest Update:
VueTypeScriptWeb Sockets

Benyakir Writes


A GatsbyJS-powered frontend for my blog that uses TypeScript and Styled Components. The main emphasis on this site is accessibility and a better implementation of search/sort/filter functionality than can be done quickly and easily in WordPress (where my blog is hosted with lots of custom features).

First Created: September 07, 2021
Latest Update: